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Publications and a selection of stationery and beautiful things – to remember, give and bring home

Publications & more

The Kügelgenhaus offers a selection of publications on Romanticism in Dresden – on literature, the visual arts and protagonists of the era. Postcards and smaller themed souvenirs complete the range.

Literature tip: Museum guide

The richly illustrated museum guide is dedicated to an important period in the intellectual life of the city of Dresden, which is thematised in the Kügelgenhaus. The authors Günter Klieme and Hans-Joachim Neidhardt, recognised experts on the subject and initiators of the museum's foundation, paint a vivid picture of Romanticism, describing the early and specific characteristics of this epoch in Dresden. Artists and social circles of Dresden's early Romanticism are analysed in detail. The »Gottessegen« house on Dresden's Hauptstraße, where the painter Wilhelm von Kügelgen lived and where the Museum of Dresden Romanticism has been housed since 1981, is specially honoured.

The Kügelgen House, published by Stadtmuseum Dresden, Deutscher Kunstverlag Munich / Berlin 2016, 3rd edition –  5 €